32 teachers are preparing to teach at the “Parents’ School”, within the Project “Through Education towards vocation!”

  • 22/04/2021
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  • 32 teachers are preparing to teach at the “Parents’ School”, within the Project “Through Education towards vocation!”

    In April, training courses are held for 32 teachers involved in organizing 17 support groups for parents in the project “Through education to vocation!”. This project provides support for 405 children in vulnerable situations in Alba County, one of the components of the project being the creation of support groups for children’s parents, and even support for them in learning the “parenting profession”. Success in educating children is fundamentally closely linked to school and family.

    “It is important to keep in mind that the child’s success at school also depends a lot on the willingness of parents and teachers to build a positive relationship, partnership, based on openness and fairness. Teachers expect parents to provide the child with a model of morality, to encourage him and to create the necessary framework for him to intervene when the child behaves inappropriately and generally to get involved, to discuss, to be open, calm and polite.  Parents’ expectations of teachers are not much different, on the contrary. Thus, the relationship between the school and the parents must go beyond the formal and bureaucratic if we want to create that space of transparency, trust and respect in which the best good of the child is always aimed, ”said Truța Daniela, project manager.

    The courses addressed issues related to the conduct of teacher-parent meetings and the way in which online parent support groups will be administered, in order to respond as effectively as possible to the questions and requests of parents related to the program and to make them available. interesting materials that will be useful in dealing with children. Through this “Parents’ School”, they will learn how to encourage their children to talk about what they think and how they feel, how to listen to them and respond with care and affection not only to beautiful things or news good, but also to those related to difficult emotions such as fear, anger, guilt or shame.

    “In order to develop optimally from a psycho-emotional point of view, children need safety, security and stable relationships. Through a warm, gentle and receptive communication, the parent helps the child to feel safe and sends him one of the most important messages, that he is accepted and valuable. It is recommended that parents take advantage of good times to express as much joy, gratitude, confidence or enthusiasm in the presence of children and, very importantly, not to scold the child for what they feel but only the wrong behavior they have had. For the harmonious development of children, it is absolutely necessary to show children, at home and at school, unconditional acceptance, empathy and trust. ” – said Nicoleta Presecan, training manager.

    The project “Education by vocation” is implemented by the Association “Orthodox Philanthropy Alba Iullia” in partnership with HEKS/EPER Romania Foundation, FAER Reghin Foundation and NEWschool Norway, within a funding through Norwegian Grants under the Local Development Program. The objective of the project is to increase the degree of social inclusion and maintain in the education system 645 students in risk situations in the Central and North-West regions by creating activities such as “School after school”. Program operator being the Romanian Social Development Fund. In Alba county the project is carried out in partnership with the “Ioan de Hunedoara” Gymnasium School Sântimbru Sat, the “Ioan de Hunedoara” Gymnasium School Sântimbru Fabrică, the “Mihai Eminescu” Ighiu Gymnasium School, the “Mihai Eminescu” Gymnasium School Țelna, Mihai Gimn School ”Șard,„ Florin Fleșeriu ”High School with Sports Program Sebeș,„ Demetriu Radu ”Gymnasium School Rădești, Berghin Gymnasium School, Miraslău School with grades I-VIII,„ Singidava ”Gymnasium School Cugir, Gymnasium School„ Axente Sever ” day for children „Pious Parascheva” Alba Iulia, Educational day center for children „St. Nicolae ”Alba Iulia.

    Contact person:

    Project manager

    Truța Daniela

    e-mail: filantropia_ortodoxa@yahoo.com

    website pages: www.filantropiaortodoxa.ro, www.eeagrants.ro, www.frds.ro