Online workshop with special guests in the project “Through education to vocation!”

  • 12/04/2022
  • admin
  • Online workshop with special guests in the project “Through education to vocation!”

    Yesterday, 11 April 2022, students and teaching staff from Diosig Secondary School No. 1 attended a workshop with special guests who could present students with personal, concrete examples of how, under relatively difficult conditions, they managed  optimally their career development.

    There were 4 special guests:

    – Mr. Daniel Anca, agronomist engineer and head of a famous farm in Diosig – he started from simple work and got promoted, then went on to higher education;

    – Mrs Budai Elisabeta, medical biologist in Brasov – who didn’t speak Romanian language but decided to go to school in Romanian and pursue her desire to become a biologist;

    – Dr Joszef Szabo, a neonatologist in Marghita, from Diosig, whose parents did not want him to go to high school but rather wanted to see him employed as soon as possible to support himself;

    – Mr Füzesi Tibor, a farmer in Diosig, who did very well at school but wanted to take up farming and now runs a large farming business, where he works side by side with his employees and does physical work.

    They talked about the role of learning and making the right career choice, combining both interest and passion but also about opportunities in the job market. The guests talked about trying abroad and the fact that if you want to work you can also achieve your goals in the country, about language barriers for Hungarian speakers and how they become irrelevant if you are a good professional (because no one looks at nationality or language but at professionalism first), about the fact that there are countless opportunities in reality, but which we often do not pay attention to.

    Career advancement opportunities, motivation for learning and personal development are themes that will continue to be discussed in individual and group career guidance and counselling sessions.