• 06/09/2021
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    From August 30 to September 3, within the project “Through education to vocation!”, took place online The  training course in the field of inclusive and vocational education, was held by Newschool Norway – education design agency, partner in the project.

    The course was attended by 18 representatives from the Association “Orthodox Philanthropy Alba Iullia”, HEKS / EPER Romania Foundation and FAER Reghin Foundation, respectively school principals, teachers, school counselors and psychologists. The main objectives of the course were for participants to learn to facilitate student-centered learning experiences, to develop inclusive learning skills and teamwork.

    The agenda of the course was as follows: LEADING self (first 2 days) – exercises and learning experiences aimed at self-knowledge and openness to others); LEADING others (next 2 days) – teamwork, outlining a common project of general interest, to be subsequently applied in working with children; LEADING change (the last day) – how we can shape and maintain long-term change in education.

    During the five days of training, educational techniques specific to the Norwegian model, applicable in the Romanian school, and experiential learning modalities for personal development and cohesion of the group of teachers were explored.

    Participants had the opportunity to explore together, guided by the trainer Newschool Norway, how they can facilitate creative exercises that increase motivation and inspire children’s creativity.

    Between October and November 2021, two training sessions will take place with the participation of another 41 specialists involved in the project, in which the information and work techniques presented by the Norwegian partner will be disseminated.

    The project “Education by vocation” is implemented by the Association “Orthodox Philanthropy Alba Iullia” in partnership with HEKS/EPER Romania Foundation, FAER Reghin Foundation and NEWschool Norway, within a funding through Norwegian Grants under the Local Development Program. The objective of the project is to increase the degree of social inclusion and maintain in the education system 645 students in risk situations in the Central and North-West regions by creating activities such as “School after school”. Program operator being the Romanian Social Development Fund. The implementation period of the project is 24 months and has a total value of 524,499 lei, of which 708,073 is a private contribution.

    Contact person:

    Project manager

    Truța Daniela


    website pages:,,