Rural development in Georgia

Promoting citizen engagement for economic development (PROCEED)

Starting December 2016, HEKS/EPER Romania is involved in a EU project in partnership with HEKS/EPER Georgia and another Georgian NGO, ELKANA: “Promoting citizen engagement for economic development” (PROCEED). The project duration is December 2016 – November 2020.

The overall objective of the action is to contribute to the reduction of poverty in the Dedoplistskaro Municipality of the Kakheti region in Eastern Georgia. Specific objective of the project is improved community members’ employment and income opportunities for an improved quality of life, with following outputs:

  • A replicable system of cooperation among local stakeholders (Local Action Group/LAG) to promote local development being operational and sustainable;
  • A local Development strategy for Dedoplistskaro municipality, developed by the LAG and supported at municipal level;
  • A mechanism to contribute to sustainability of the LAG, supported through the appropriate structures after the project ends, designed together with relevant stakeholders and authorities;
  • Improved capacity of farmers as well as tourism related and other businesses representatives, resulted in improvement of employment and income;
  • Improved social and economic services in the municipality.

To further strengthen the capacity of HEKS/EPER Georgia and ELKANA on the LEADER approach a LAG backstopper has been identified by HEKS/EPER Romania from the National Federation of Local Action Groups Romania (FNGAL). This backstopper has been involved in the entire process of establishing, nurturing and maturing a successful LAG. The backstopper will play an important role during the entire project duration and not only give the initial training on LAG development to HEKS/EPER Georgia and ELKANA, but return several times to Georgia to give essential trainings to the LAG board and members during 10 visits of 10 days each to Georgia. The first 4 visits are planned for the 1st year of implementation, the other 6 visits will be planned with the LAG and LAG backstopper depending on needs in terms of capacity building. The main areas of capacity development will include: legal, operational, administrative and financial management capacities; communication, negotiation and presentation skills; basic development planning, analysis of local context, basic data collection, needs assessment, cost/benefit analysis fundraising, innovation, inspiration & motivation for action and lobby & advocacy. To further strengthen and inspire the LAG board, the project will invite selected board members for an exchange visit to an existing LAG supported by FNGAL in Romania.