Social inclusion

Social inclusion and improvement of living conditions for Roma and other vulnerable groups in the counties Mures, Cluj, Bihor, Alba, Covasna, Salaj and Harghita

Project website:

The project is being implemented between 2013-2018 by a Consortium formed by HEKS/EPER Switzerland (Lead Applicant), FAER Foundation from Reghin and Diakonia Christian Foundation Cluj-Napoca, along with the following implementing partners: Orthodox Philanthropy Association Alba, Diakonia Christian Foundation Covasna and Caritas-Social Assistance Association Alba. The project is co-funded by a grant from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

HEKS/EPER Romania is actively involved in the project, under the supervision of HEKS Switzerland, its primary focus being to offer support to the Partners in all activities and to bring in expertize in the field of Economic empowerment (Job mediation and Value Chain).

The overall goal of the project is to improve the living conditions and the social inclusion of the Roma communities and other vulnerable minorities in the counties Mures, Cluj, Bihor, Alba, Covasna, Salaj şi Harghita.

To achieve that goal, the project applies a combination of various interventions in the following fields:

  • Education
  • Health and social assistance
  • Employability, employment and income
  • Improving living/Living/Housing conditions

The results obtained until now in the project:

Project lineActivity1st year results: May 2013 – June 20142nd year results: July 2014 – June 20153rd year results: July 2015 – June 20164th year results: July 2016 – June 20175th year results: July 2017 – June 2018
EducationSummer Kindergarten314 beneficiaries552 beneficiaries582 beneficiaries496 beneficiaries531 beneficiaries
After School516 beneficiaries816 beneficiaries1668 beneficiaries2426 beneficiaries2323 beneficiaries
Intercultural activities2000 beneficiaries1600 beneficiaries5000 beneficiaries5000 beneficiaries5000 beneficiaries
Teacher training courses50 beneficiaries50 beneficiaries25 beneficiaries50 beneficiaries
Non-teaching personnel training courses30 beneficiaries38 beneficiaries38 beneficiaries
Consultations for exam promotion103 beneficiaries134 beneficiaries116 beneficiaries
Partners17 localities30 localities57 localities82 localities78 localities
Health and social assiatanceEducation for health285 beneficiaries1000 beneficiaries800 beneficiaries850 beneficiaries490 beneficiaries
Social surveys649 beneficiaries
Case management160 beneficiaries200 beneficiaries200 beneficiaries
ID registration and renewal50 beneficiaries6 beneficiaries60 beneficiaries
Registrations at family doctors21 beneficiaries43 beneficiaries
Basic medical care120 beneficiaries104 beneficiaries108 beneficiaries
Medical care for pregnant women17 beneficiaries3 beneficiaries
Care against external parasites45 beneficiaries30 beneficiaries
Home care visits456 visits700 visits1713 visits6110 visits2156 visits
Individual counselling services120 beneficiaries640 beneficiaries800 beneficiaries1357 beneficiaries
Qualification courses – caretaker8 beneficiaries
Home caretakers’ employments3 employees5 employees
Vaccinations73 beneficiaries124 beneficiaries
Employability, employment and incomeProfessional Qualification Courses64 beneficiaries63 beneficiaries143 beneficiaries106 beneficiaries
Information campaigns300 beneficiaries441 beneficiaries684 beneficiaries
Job Mediations316 beneficiaries479 beneficiaries
Access to microfinance14 credits8 credits16 credits18 credits
Microcredits128.000 CHF100.000 CHF157.000 CHF223.000 CHF
Improving housing conditionsBuilding new houses7 houses6 houses9 houses8 houses si 3 multi-family houses (inhabited by 8 families)
Building/renovation and bathrooms4 works18 works19 works9 works
Bathroom building17 bathrooms4 bathrooms


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