HEKS/EPER Romania Foundation started implementing the project “Through education to vocation!”

  • 16/11/2020
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  • HEKS/EPER Romania Foundation started implementing the project “Through education to vocation!”

    HEKS / EPER Romania Foundation started today, the 16th of November 2020, to implement the project “Through education to vocation!”, together with the Alba Iulia Orthodox Philanthropy Association (project promoter) and with FAER Foundation (partner). The duration of the project is 24 months.

    The project is funded by the Romanian Social Development Fund, as Program Operator for the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Roma Inclusion” program, funded by the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021.

    The financing granted within the Project aims at increasing the social inclusion and maintaining in the education system 645 students at risk from the Central and North-West regions.

    The objectives of the project are:

    • Reducing the phenomenon of school dropout and increasing school performance for 645 students at risk of dropout from the Center and Northwest regions.
    • Increasing the professional training of 49 professionals working with children at risk of early school leaving and children with special educational needs.
    • Increasing community involvement in the process of promoting inclusive education and improving the school institution.