The labor mediation activity, within the project ”Integrated social services for the communities of the LAG Nasaudului Country”, continued through community meetings to present job options and to evaluate the expectations of the representatives of the target group. Thus, in the communities targeted: the city of Năsăud and the communes of Feldru, Parva, Rebra, Rebrișoara, Romuli, Telciu, Coșbuc, Salva, Nimigea, Dumitra, there were organized working meetings with unemployed.
In some situations, the expectations of both parties have matched, resulting in hiring people and achieving the results proposed by the project. Thus, until October 2023, 53 people found employment through the project activities, of which approx. 70% they were directly supported by training and mediation activities, the rest being employed or self-employed through their own initiative following the training activities.
The meetings organized during this period confirmed the need for complementary activities for unemployed people, part of the target group. Thus, there are two directions of work, which were planned for the next period:
– Information and evaluation activities for persons that are not actively looking for a job. In these situations, constant monitoring and communication is needed to assess the change of this status over time;
– Mediation activities that involve options adapted to the expectations of the target group, people who want to engage but are constrained by several objective factors: direct responsibility for raising children, caring for the elderly, etc.
These activities will continue until the end of the project, with the objective of helping as many people as possible, out of the 85 participating in the qualification courses, to acquire a job.