This week, took place in Sibiu, the first meeting of the local working group within the project “From education to decent work, Sibiu county”.
This meeting brought together representatives of the professional schools included in the project, local economic operators, the Sibiu School Inspectorate as well as representatives of the organisations implementing the project, in order to assess the impact of the project and to work together with all decision-makers in preparing professional education students for the requirements of the labour market.
The project “From education to decent work, Sibiu county” aims among other things to increase the number of professional school graduates (coming from disadvantaged backgrounds) who find jobs and to increase their retention rate in the workplace.
In the meeting were discussed issues related to collaboration between business envoironment and schools, good practice examples, the status of the curriculum and ways to be improved, as well as the need for staff in companies and their expectations of new employees.