New sclr Call For Proposals – Transcarpathia, Ukraine

  • 07/02/2024
  • Humanitarian Aid
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  • New sclr Call For Proposals – Transcarpathia, Ukraine

    In cooperation with HEKS/EPER Romania, The Reformed Church of Transcarpathia announces a tender to support IDP and host community self-implement sclr initiatives in Transcarpathia.  

    Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the Reformed Church of Transcarpathia has been actively involved in offering assistance to the Ukrainian communities fleeing from the war. We intend to continue to support internally displaced people (IDPs) by providing immediate responses to basic needs in crisis as well as a complex integration program. As such, the Reformed Church of Transcarpathia, in collaboration with its partner HEKS/EPER Romania and with the financial support of ACT Alliance, wants to encourage the implementation of community-driven initiatives aimed at enhancing and aiding the IDP and host communities in the Transcarpathia Oblast, through local NGOs actively involved in this regard.  

    These initiatives may originate from refugee community members themselves, churches involved in helping IDPs, affiliated organizations, or related entities. We prioritize communities, congregations, and organizations that have been actively supporting IDP communities in Transcarpathia since the onset of the conflict, which are presently engaged in such efforts, and possess tangible plans for future support initiatives. 

    The present call for proposals is based on the sclr approach (survivor and community-led responses), hence formulated on the basis of a support methodology, the essential element of which is to embrace the initiatives of these directly affected by the armed conflict.  

    Thus, applicants should actively contribute to the implementation of initiatives that would benefit the larger affected communities. They should leverage the community’s potential to offer practical solutions to pressing issues while also fostering community building and social cohesion as well as building resilience. This type of support directed to the affected IDP and host communities represents a sustained reframing of the experiences arising from crisis situations. Consequently, this effort results in tangible improvements in both the physical aspects, such as enhancing the quality of life, and in harnessing individual and community potential, thereby facilitating the recovery of communities from crisis situations. 

    We encourage applicants to consider not only the needs of the host communities, but also initiatives that support IDPs in the Transcarpathia Oblast in an effort to foster the social unity between the two. 

    The goal of this call is to support communities (organizations, congregations, associations, foundations with legal personality registered in Ukraine) who

    • directly support the vulnerable IDP and host communities in Transcarpathia, 
    • propose initiatives originating directly from the affected communities aimed at fostering community well-being, development, and resilience. 
    • encourage the self-organization of affected communities in Transcarpathia. 
    • help strengthen the relations between IDPs and the host communities in Transcarpathia. 

    We wish to contribute to the realization of the goals of these applicants by providing financial support within the limits of the microgrant amount available. 

    Tender issued by: Reformed Church of Transcarpathia 

    Supporting partner: HEKS/EPER Romania 

    Form of support: One-time, non-refundable support 

    The maximum amount of support that can be claimed: 125,000 UAH (1.17M HUF) 

    The maximum number of supported projects: 20 

    Application submission deadline: 19.02.2024 

    How to submit an application: 

    You can apply by filling out the application form and submitting it by email. 

    Please send the application form in one of the two suggested formats to:  

    • in pdf format (printed out and stamped with a corporate signature) 
    • in MS Word format 

    Please include all the necessary information when filling out the application form! 

    Application conditions (Who can apply?):  

    Non-governmental organizations based in the Transcarpathia Oblast. Typically, community-based organizations formally registered in Ukraine in the region. 

    Types of initiatives we are financing: 

    We will finance projects that contribute to community wellbeing, strengthen social cohesion between IDPs and the local population or that support the most vulnerable who cannot help themselves. It all depends on the opportunities local groups identified as most relevant to strengthen their community’s survival, recovery and future resilience.   

    Projects can involve but are not limited to the following sectors: health, psychosocial support, education, basic survival, etc.  

    What can the grant be used for? 

    Expenses associated with the initiatives that promote the wellbeing of IDPs and/ or host communities, foster community development, and strengthen the rapport between the migrants and the local communities such as: 

    • the acquisition of tangible assets and equipment needed for community programs and initiatives, as initially stated in the proposal’s budget (such as stationery, cleaning products, creative materials, sports equipment, electronic devices etc.) 
    • the acquisition of medicine and provide health care to vulnerable individuals 
    • the development/renovation of the properties of the applicant NGOs that play a role in helping the supported communities (e.g. providing a venue for events; accommodation, etc.) 
    • any other initiatives that address the identified needs of the target community.  

    We will not be funding salaries, personal expenses of the applicants and initiatives where applicant only support themselves or their own recovery, since the whole purpose of sclr is to empower and support the wider IDP/host community. 

    The applicant’s commitments: 

    By applying, the applicant undertakes to cooperate with the RCT team in order to facilitate the successful completion of the project as follows: 

    • Cooperation during the entire period of the application with the RCT community facilitators and the HEKS/EPER Romania team. 
    • The preparation and delivery of forms and documents related to the project to the organization issuing the tender. In connection with the closing of the tender: 
      • Submission of a narrative report on the activities undertaken in the implementation period  (using the form provided in advance by the tender organizer) 
      • Financial statement containing copies of supporting documents 
      • Submission of a financial report (using the form provided in advance by the organizer) 
      • 20-30 relevant photos supporting the implementation of the initiative
      • participation in the on-site monitoring visits organized by RCT and HEKS/EPER Romania. 

    The applicant also commits to attending one appropriate workshop following the conclusion of the implementation period. The purpose of this workshop is to facilitate the mutual exchange of experiences and outcomes regarding the sclr implementation between participating communities and the organizations coordinating the project. 


    • Application submission deadline: 19.02.2024. 
    • Application evaluation date: 21.02.2024 – 28.02.2024 
    • Notification of applicants about the decision: from 29.02.2024 
    • Contract signing: 01.03-08.03.2024  
    • Tender money transfer: from 11.03.2024 
    • Project implementation deadline: 10.06.2024. 
    • Deadline for the preparation of documentation related to the closing of the tender: till 23.06.2023. 

    Eligibility criteria: 

    • The proposal is submitted before the deadline, each question in the form is addressed 
    • The applicant organization complies with the conditions described above 
    • Applications should be formally submitted in order to be included in the tender’s evaluation process. 

    Assessment process 

    Applications that meet the call’s conditions will be submitted to the evaluation committee. Information about the results of the assessment will be sent to both successful and unsuccessful applicants by email on February 29, 2024. 

    In evaluating the initiatives we take into consideration:  

    • The applicant’s reputation and recognition. 
    • The applicant’s openness and experience in cooperation with other organizations. 
    • The range of experience available in working with IDPs and other local communities. 
    • Completeness and clarity of the submitted application. 
    • Clear correspondence between planned activities and expected costs. 

    Project selection criteria:  

    • the project needs to respond to the interest of the affected community and not of one individual,  
    • previous involvement of team members in community assistance efforts is appreciated,  
    • the ability and capacity to effectively implement the proposed initiative (within the project implementation period). 
    • a well-thought-out and transparent initiative idea and budget,  
    • inclusion of both IDPs and the host community, or clearly explaining the choice of supporting vulnerable host community members, 
    • the urgency of the needs  
    • the integrity of the team members (collecting testimonials and feedback from some community witnesses mentioned in each group’s application). 
    • the initiative serves as a basis for further initiatives in the future

    We welcome your questions and comments regarding the application by email at or by phone at: +380 66 850 38 00, +380 99 734 31 86.