Press release Children from the project “Through education to vocation!” carried out the activity “Life through the eyes of a child” during the week of March 14-18

  • 23/03/2022
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  • Press release Children from the project “Through education to vocation!” carried out the activity “Life through the eyes of a child” during the week of March 14-18

    In the second week of March, (March 14-18) children from the project that takes place in schools / day centers for children: “Mihai Eminescu” Ighiu with structures Șard and Țelna, “Ioan de Hunedoara” Sântimbru Sat and Sântimbru Fabrică , High School with Sports Program „Florin Fleșeriu” Sebeș, „Singidava” Cugir, „Demetriu Radu” Rădești, Secondary School Berghin, School with grades I-VIII Miraslău, „Axente Sever” Aiud, Day center for children „Pious Parascheva” Alba Iulia and the day educational center „St. Nicolae ”Alba Iulia, together with the teachers, educators and volunteers continued the activities dedicated to the Moon for Life and in the week of March 14-18. This week’s event was called “Life through the eyes of a child” and was dedicated to creation through drawing and painting.

    During the activity, the children and young people, together with the teachers, the coordinating priests, the educators and the volunteers created works of art through which they aimed to offer a more colorful and broad image of the word LIFE. People holding hands, animals, flowers, trees, landscapes full of greenery, tree fence and square house with roof, triangle, red, are just some of the images through which the little ones managed to plastically express the meaning of this divine gift.

    The culmination of this activity took place on Sunday, March 20, also declared “International Day of Happiness”, through an activity meant to bring joy by reaffirming the ties between the members of each parish community. Thus, at each parish church, in the bosom of which these too “little brothers” of Christ are protected, an exhibition was organized with the true masterpieces of the children.

    Here, the faithful were able to admire and meditate in peace on the meaning and depth of the message behind these artistic creations. This was confirmed by those who coordinated these activities, teachers or priests: “I noticed a lot of delight and happiness in the eyes of those who admired the wonderful works of our students in this wonderful village,” said Ancuța Purcel, teacher at the Gymnasium School „Mihai Eminescu” from Șard).

    The project “Education by vocation” is implemented by the Association “Orthodox Philanthropy Alba Iullia” in partnership with HEKS/EPER Romania Foundation, FAER Reghin Foundation and NEWschool Norway, within a funding through Norwegian Grants under the Local Development Program. The objective of the project is to increase the degree of social inclusion and maintain in the education system 645 students in risk situations in the Central and North-West regions by creating activities such as “School after school”. Program operator being the Romanian Social Development Fund.

    Contact person:

    Project manager

    Truța Daniela


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