• 09/02/2021
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  • PRESS RELEASE „THROUGH EDUCATION TO VOCATION!” for 645 wonderful students!

    As of February 8, 2021, 645 students are enjoying both the start of school and a welcome help from The Orthodox Philanthropy Association in Alba Iulia together with HEKS / EPER Romania Foundation, with FAER Reghin Foundation and with NEWschool Norway, through the Project „Through education to vocation”.

    In Alba County, 36 teachers and 16 volunteer educators of the Association “Orthodox Philanthropy Alba Iulia”, for 4 hours a day, are with 405 students who find themselves in various situations of risk, and provide support in doing homework, in recovering knowledge in the case of more difficult subjects, and especially gives children warmth, at a time when students have a worrying state of vulnerability and insecurity. Along with the educational and emotional support, the children receive a daily hot meal, and the activities are organized in 17 classes “School after school”, for 4 days a week, in collaboration with: “Ioan de Hunedoara” Gymnasium School Sântimbru Sat , „Ioan de Hunedoara” Gymnasium School Sântimbru Fabrică, „Mihai Eminescu” Gymnasium School Ighiu, „Mihai Eminescu” Gymnasium School Țelna, „Mihai Eminescu” Gymnasium School Șard, „Florin Fleșeriu” Sports Program High School „Dembeș Radimială School, Gymnasium School ”Rădești, Berghin Secondary School, School with grades I-VIII Miraslău,“ Singidava ”Cugir Secondary School,“ Axente Sever ”High School Aiud,“ Cuvioasa Parascheva ”Day Care Center for Children Alba Iulia, Day Care Center for Children“ Sf . Nicolae ”Alba Iulia.      

    In Bihor county, 58 children of the Gymnasium School no. 1 from Diosig Commune who go through the emotions of graduating the 8th grade, receive the help of 2 psychologists, 2 school counselors and 5 teachers for meditations, through the HEKS / EPER Romania Foundation. Considering the exams that precede them, through these projects the students started a training program in Romanian, Hungarian and Mathematics, simultaneously with a program of professional orientation and consolidation of the family support they need.

    Also within this project, the FAER Reghin Foundation, through 3 school counselors and a psychologist, once the school starts, offers for 65 students of the Technological High School “Petru Maior” Reghin and the Gymnasium School “Alexandru Ceușianu” Reghin educational programs adapted for graduation grades V and VIII, classes with specific difficulties. These programs consider meditations in Romanian, Hungarian and Mathematics, career guidance and family support, while developing students’ sense of confidence and encouraging their perseverance.

    „Certainly, the information accumulated by students and the skills acquired in the educational process by them are important. But education also takes into account the character of children, the values ​​they have, the attitudes they adopt and especially the vocations that students manifest. Depending on these qualities, creativity, intuition and enthusiasm develop. This perspective is the one that is at the foundation of the project „Through Education towards Vocation” and at the foundation of all the activities we will carry out within it. The project has, at the same time, a social and family component, the beneficiary children being at risk, as well as an important component of professional training of the teachers involved “- said Daniela Truța, Project Manager.

    The project was submitted under the Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Increased Roma Inclusion Program, funded by EEA and Norwegian grants for the period 2014-2021, under open call no. 2 – Inclusive education for children and young people at risk. and benefits from a grant of 968,286 euros (4,720,491 lei) offered by Norway, through Norwegian grants, within the Local Development Program, poverty reduction and increasing Roma inclusion, 2014-2021, in the call for Inclusive Education for children and young people in risk situations; program operator being the Romanian Social Development Fund. The implementation period of the project is 24 months and has a total value of 524,499 lei, of which 708,073 is a private contribution.

    Contact person:

    Project Manager

    Truța Daniela


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