Multi-sectoral emergency assistance for Ukrainian refugees in Romania and IDPs in Chernivtsi (2022-2023)

After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, HEKS/EPER Romania has been actively involved in helping refugees in Romania and internally displaced persons following the conflict, implementing emergency humanitarian aid activities with the support of local NGOs.

In this project, HEKS/EPER Romania and its partners were able to address the diverse and significant needs of people affected by the war crisis, giving them the chance to have decent living conditions and ensuring their well-being. While the implementation focused on meeting their immediate needs, the activities also aimed at long-term improvements by rehabilitating certain spaces in collective centres and creating spaces for children and young people to provide a safe and respectful environment.

At all times, the focus has been on empowering beneficiaries through education, information, counselling and support for sustainable livelihoods, promoting self-sufficiency and integration into local communities.

Donor: Norwegian Church Aid

Partner organisations: FONSS and IPSB

Project period: March 2022 – April 2023

Number of beneficiaries: Over 37,000

Main activities: financial support, shelter, basic food and non-food items, information, referral to local services, educational activities, counselling, labour market mediation.

Locations: Suceava, Chernivtsi, Bucharest, Iasi.

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