During our monitoring field visit of the Ukrainian Response programme implemented in Suceava and Chernivtsi by HEKS/EPER through our partners at the Bucovina Institute and sponsored by Norway Church Aid, we enjoyed our partners’ warm welcome as we discussed about the activities rolled out so far to the benefit of the refugees currently living in Suceava as well as to the internally displaced people in Chernivtsi. We also discussed next steps for the third phase of this project (winterization).
Moreover, the HEKS/ EPER team observed the voucher distribution at the Bucovina Institute office in Suceava and organised a focus group with some of the project beneficiaries in order to better understand how satisified they were with the help provided so far and whether there are different aspects to be improved in the winterization phase.
Only 40 kilometers north of Romania, we took part in the footwear vouchers and school kits distribution in Chernivtsi, at a local center for IDPs (internally displaced people). Therefore, we took the opportunity to discuss with our project’s direct beneficiaries about the services provided thus far, the needs still waiting to be met, their fears for the future, but also about the little rays of hope of the communities that are formed organically in such refugee centers.
Chernivtsi continues to be a city of refuge for people fleeing the war, as this area on the border with Romania has so far been spared of direct attacks. The work that the Bukovina Institute Association is (also) doing in the Social Emergency Centre in Chernivtsi is admirable, and we are honored to be part of this project!
The third phase of the project is already underway and we want to meet as many of the current needs of our beneficiaries in Suceava and Chernivtsi as possible.