Social vulnerability and coping strategies in students from disadvantaged backgrounds

  • 27/04/2023
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  • Social vulnerability and coping strategies in students from disadvantaged backgrounds

    Last week, on 21 April 2023, the Association of Orthodox Philanthropy Sibiu in the framework of the project “Through education towards decent jobs” within a workshop, a large group of over 30 teachers collaborating in the project, principals of the six partner schools, teachers in remedial education classes or headmasters of the target group classes, met in an informal environment in order to deepen the means of dealing with difficult situations, undesirable behaviour, emotional support and appropriate counselling. The title of the workshop was Social vulnerability and coping strategies in students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

    The workshop discussed sensitive issues related to social vulnerability in different life situations such as poverty, family abandonment, physical disabilities, ethnic discrimination, violence and bullying, abuse, promiscuity. Many external factors unfortunately have an impact on learning capacity, including drug use and other addictions, aggression but also resignation, the tendency to give up too early, a combination of situations that generate chronic emotional and behavioural disorders.