The new regulations of the After-school program must be publicly debated by the Ministry of Education

  • 30/05/2018
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  • The new regulations of the After-school program must be publicly debated by the Ministry of Education

    HEKS/EPER Romania Foundation asked the Ministry of National Education to publicly debate the proposed changes to the methodology of organizing the After-school program, approved by Order 5349/2011. Awaiting  a positive response from Minister Valentin Popa, we consider that the experience of numerous NGOs in this field should be a part of this process, so that the After-school program could best serve as many children as possible, including children from vulnerable families.

    The HEKS/EPER Romania Foundation’s request was submitted on the 24th of May 2018 and is supported by the Terre des hommes Foundation Romania and the Caritas Satu Mare Organization. All these organizations have extensive and long-lasting experience in educational programs and are currently involved, together with Swiss partners and local public authorities, in projects aiming to facilitate access to qualitative educational services, funded under the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program.

    We consider the proposal to amend the methodology, published for public consultation here, as a very important opportunity. The non-governmental sector, but also schools and teachers, can bring significant improvements to the After-school services that the youngest members of our communities should enjoy.

    For more details, please contact us at: