Third backstopping mission of PROCEED project – „ Promoting citizen engagement for economic development” – August 5-17, Georgia

  • 08/09/2017
  • admin
  • Third backstopping mission of PROCEED project – „ Promoting citizen engagement for economic development” – August 5-17, Georgia

    Between the 5th and 17th of August 2017, Mr. Iuliu Zsejki, Executive Director of the Local Action Group (LAG) Tara Nasaudului, as a facilitator for the PROCEED project, had a third backstopping mission in Georgia. The backstopping missions’ goal is to strengthen HEKS/EPER Georgia and ELKANA’s capacity for LEADER approach, by providing consultancy throughout the entire process of establishing, nurturing and maturing a successful LAG.

    During this mission, the SWOT analysis of the Dedoplistskaro municipality was completed and the Local Development Strategy was revised, in order to be more comprehensive and coherent. Two training sessions were also organized for the members of the Board and the implementation team, regarding “The principles of making a strategy” and “The deployment of the Strategy”.