Ukrainian Response Romania team training workshops organized by Christian Aid – November 2022

  • 08/12/2022
  • Humanitarian Aid
  • admin
  • Ukrainian Response Romania team training workshops organized by Christian Aid – November 2022

    HEKS/EPER Romania’s humanitarian aid programme Ukrainian Response began abruptly in March 2022, when thousands of Ukrainians were entering Romania daily in search of refuge. Our partners have been at the border from the very first weeks, providing them with practical support for their needs, from general information and transportation to packages of food, water and various non-food essentials.

    Given that the humanitarian sector is still a new sector in our country and due to the emergency nature of this specific intervention, the immediate needs of the Ukrainians were prioritized over capacity building activities. Although the situation in Ukraine continues to remain unstable, the team continues to grow and with it the need for specific training for this type of response.

    In the second phase of the project sponsored by Christian Aid and implemented directly by our partners from Diakonia Foundation in Satu Mare and Transcarpathia, the Ukrainian Response team participated in two training workshops organized by Christian Aid.

    The first was dedicated to building capacity in offering micro-grants to small organizations and local initiative groups involved in activities with Ukrainians, with a focus on supporting survivor and community-led crisis response.

    The second workshop focused on how to better protect the physical and psychological integrity of our direct beneficiaries (safeguarding) as well as to implement effective feedback and mutual accountability mechanisms between all actors involved in these projects.

    In this regard, together with members of the Christian Aid delegation, the Ukrainian Response team organized a visit to the partners of Diakonia Foundation Satu Mare in order to discuss with the direct beneficiaries in Satu Mare and Tyachiv, Ukraine (Transcarpathia) on how they want to provide feedback about our services in the future, about safeguarding and the importance of mutual accountability, as well as suggestions for improvement of the services provided in the project. The visit was productive and full of useful information, as those present for the discussions were receptive and willing to answer questions.