On May 5, 2022, a Support Group meeting was organized with the participation of 13 parents of children from Berghin Secondary School.
The psychologist and training manager of the project proposed the following topics for discussion:
– The importance of supporting the child in the educational process – keeping in touch with teachers and the psychologist in order to find out the particular problems the child is facing and getting involved in solving them in a joint prevention / intervention program.
– The child’s needs superior need to be protected from any form of physical, verbal or emotional abuse. The behavioral and emotional consequences that violence can have on the child in the short, medium and long term were highlighted. Parents have shared with each other the concerns they have about their children’s emotional state and the unwanted behaviors they sometimes have at school and at home. The parents expressed their gratitude that the participation of the children in the School after School program allows them to go to work or to take care of the household chores.
The role of parent support groups is to create a safe and open environment in which they can express themselves freely and find the best way to relate and communicate with their children.
The project “Education by vocation” is implemented by the Association “Orthodox Philanthropy Alba Iullia” in partnership with HEKS/EPER Romania Foundation, FAER Reghin Foundation and NEWschool Norway, within a funding through Norwegian Grants under the Local Development Program. The objective of the project is to increase the degree of social inclusion and maintain in the education system 645 students in risk situations in the Central and North-West regions by creating activities such as “School after school”. Program operator being the Romanian Social Development Fund.
Contact person:
Project manager
Truța Daniela
e-mail: filantropia_ortodoxa@yahoo.com
website pages: www.filantropiaortodoxa.ro, www.eeagrants.ro, www.frds.ro