The Orthodox Philanthropy Association in Alba Iulia launched on Thursday, January 14, 2021 the project “Through education towards vocation!” which aims to increase the degree of social inclusion and keep 645 students in risk situations in the Central and North-West regions in the education system by creating activities such as “School after school”.
The project benefits from a grant of 4,720,491 lei offered by the Norwegian Grants within the Local Development Program.
The project is implemented by the Orthodox Philanthropy Association in Alba Iulia in partnership with HEKS/EPER Romania Foundation, FAER Reghin Foundation and NEWschool Norway.
The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact that it aims to present an optimal model for preventing and correcting school dropout by combining Norwegian educational methods in the education system, a model that will be applied in 13 schools in Alba, Mureş and Bihor counties.
The educational units from the three counties involved in this approach, from Alba county, associated partners of the project are: “Singidava” Gymnasium School Cugir, Berghin Gymnasium School, Rădești Gymnasium School, “Axente Sever” Gymnasium School Aiud, Gymnasium School “Mihai Em ”Ighiu with the structures Șard and Țelna, Miraslău Secondary School,“ Florin Fleșeriu ”High School with Sports Program Sebeș,“ Ioan de Hunedoara Secondary School Sîntimbru Sat and Sântimbru Fabrică. From Bihor county, the associated partner is the Gymnasium School no. 1 Diosig and from Mureș county the associated partners are the Technological High School “Petru Maior” Reghin and the Gymnasium School “Alexandru Ceușianu” Reghin.
The project targets 645 students at risk of dropping out of school, of which 479 in rural areas, structured as follows: 295 students in primary education, 320 students in middle school, 20 students in vocational education and 10 students with special educational needs. Another target group it 170 parents, who will participate in parental information and counseling. Also, 18 teachers will participate in a training course on vocational education and transfer of good practices in Norway to the partner NEWSchool AS from Norway. The activities included in the project are very varied, being addressed not only to students, but also to their parents and teachers.
“This project was submitted under the Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Increased Roma Inclusion Program, funded by EEA and Norwegian grants for the period 2014-2021, under open call no. 2 – Inclusive education for children and young people at risk. (…)The contract was signed on 11.11.2020 and benefits from a grant of 968,286 euros (4,720,491 lei) offered by Norway, through Norwegian grants, within the Local Development Program, poverty reduction and increasing Roma inclusion, 2014-2021 , in the call for Inclusive Education for children and young people at risk; program operator being the Romanian Social Development Fund. The implementation period of the project is 24 months and has a total value of 524,499 lei, of which 708,073 is private contribution. ” said Project Manager Daniela Truța.
Contact person:
Project manager
Truța Daniela
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