Agricultural project “Ground exercises”

The project “Ground Exercises” represented a complex and innovative approach to the problem of soil quality on farms in Alba, Bistrita, Cluj and Mures counties, proposing activities to better inform and involve farmers, students and pupils in soil issues. The project included study visits, information sessions, soil testing activities and the formulation of recommendations, all of which contributed to raising awareness of the implications of maintaining healthy soil.

The results of the project were disseminated to relevant public actors, such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, county-level agricultural directorates and the Agricultural Commission of the Romanian Parliament, with the request to develop a national soil testing programme to support science-based decision making on agricultural works.

The main results of the project were:

  • 250+ farmers, from Cluj, Alba, Mures and Bistrita Năsăud counties, informed about European and national legislation on sustainable soil management. Presentation of best practices and applied discussions on GAEC (Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions) standards mandatory in the new National Strategic Plan.
  • 40 farmers participating in the free soil testing programme benefiting from sampling kits, analyses at the Office for Soil and Agrochemical Studies, Mures and recommendations on soil management practices based on the analysis results.
  • 160+ farmers participating in the self-assessment process of their soil management practices.
  • 210+ students from 5 agricultural high schools participating in information sessions on sustainable soil management practices.
  • 85 students participating in study visits to farms considered as examples of good practice.
  • 40+ students participating in the elaboration of the assessment of the state of play of relevant legislation on soil management and in the study visit to a farm with integrated activities – livestock and crop.
  • 33 administrative territorial units from Cluj, Alba, Mures and Bistrita Năsăud counties participating in the self-assessment process of their own sustainable soil management practices.
  • 20 county-level public institutions active in agriculture participating in the process of identifying solutions for sustainable soil management.
  • 4 county agricultural directorates – Alba, Cluj, Mureș and Bistrița Năsăud consulted in the process of elaborating contributions to public policies relevant to soil management.
  • 1 proposal to complement relevant public policies that would lead to improved soil management: free soil testing for farmers and centralization of results in a digital database with the functions of: assessment of soil suitability, adaptation of soil interventions and land improvement works according to soil needs.
  • 2 organisations participating in this project that have developed their capacity to contribute to agricultural and environmental policies relevant to soil management.


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